Getting to us Hourly trains daily to and from London Liverpool Street Station, Colchester, Clacton, Ipswich and Chelmsford. If you are travelling via train, leave the station turn left and go up Station Road at end turn left onto the high street, take the next left onto Chapel Road and The Sentinel Gallery is on the right. Bus numbers S1, 87, 62, 62A, 62B & 62C will deliver you to Wivenhoe. Bus stops are situated along the High Street and at the railway station. If you are driving there is a public car park situated less than 200 feet from the gallery. Directions: Travelling via Colchester, from the A133 turn right to Wivenhoe, come past Essex University follow the road down in to Wivenhoe and bear right at the mini-roundabout (Wivenhoe Cross) by the Premier shop. Continue down the high street, opposite the Greyhound pub on the left is the public car park on the right. Turn right into Clifton Terrace, enter the car park on right. Opposite the entrance to the car park is Chapel Road, it is an unmade road so please park beforehand and walk to gallery on foot. |